Playground Workday
Thanks to the parents (and several students) who made our playground workday a success. As a result of Saturday's work:
- Teachers have 2 nice benches where they can sit and supervise students during playtime.
- We have 2 heavy-duty picnic tables located near the newer playground equipment.
- We have a thicker pad of pea gravel covering the play area (over 19 tons more pea gravel)
- The entrance to the school has been pressure-washed.
- Flowers have been planted in front of the school and leaves raked and bagged.
We had a great group of parents turn out to make it all happen. Thanks to: - Brad Austin
- Barry Baines
- Andy Carden
- John Cullimore
- Graham Davis
- Stephanie Dodgen
- Jeb Fannin
- Cheryl Ford
- Mack Ford
- Britt Parker
- Jody Parker
- Mark Rasco
Thanks also to the students who helped: Peyton, Grant, Paxton, and Tanya.
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